Inside you, and every one of us, is the power to shape the future. We’ve embarked on a journey to do just that. With the collective power of our alumni, gathered together under our UIC Alumni Association, we will create opportunity for hungry minds, discover new knowledge, empower faculty and connect to communities at home and around the world.
Support Student Success, Empower Faculty Heading link
We’re igniting a new standard in education. Upending old models, sparking new ideas and creating opportunity for hungry students from regardless of background or circumstance. Our faculty—foremost in their fields—are finding revolutionary ways forward and illuminating young minds.
Drive Discovery, Connect Communities Heading link
We are igniting change to chase discoveries that change lives. All 7.4 billion of them. All the while taking advantage of our collective strength. We invite people in, push new ideas out and transform discovery into real and lasting progress for communities.